Re: Where Fedora Went Wrong (nice conclusion)

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On 15/05/07, Valent Turkovic <valent.turkovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

What are your comments? I feel simillar.

I've just installed Ubuntu this morning on my Dell Inspiron
E1505/6400. It boots in about 2/3 the time Fedora boots (37 sec vs 61
sec), the Wi-Fi JustWorks (Intel chipset), and the bluetooth work
right out of the box. Does that make Ubunut better? No. I did not have
a graphical environment as Ubuntu did not detect my ATI X1400 graphics
card, and vesa does not support it. I had to google using lynx for
about three hours until I found the solution in the Ubuntu bugzilla.
That is less user friendly than Fedora had ever been to me.

I find that whenever I'm using Fedora I cry for the stability of
Ubuntu, yet whenever I use Ubuntu I cry for the features of Fedora.
I'm no power user, but I'm learning. Although apt and yum do the exact
same thing so far as I'm concerned, I prefer yum for the simple fact
that all the the commands start with "yum" and not "apt-get" or
"apt-cache" or "apt-GoogleMe". Howeve, Fedora has broken things on me
too many times lately, and I need things like VMWare to run solid
works and ATI DRI support to run Google Earth. This is a workstation,
not a playground.

Another thing that Fedora has over Ubuntu is the mailing list. The
overall technical understanding of users on this list is _much_ higher
than on the Ubuntu list. There, if one mentions the command line its
as if he had suggested murder. Microsoft bashing is also too ramant
there. Here, semi-official participation of Red Hat by Rahul, for
instance, lends a very professional feel to the list. I like that. I
don't want a bunch of kids supporting my OS, official or not. And all
the non-Red Hat people who help with the technical nitty-gritty are
also very, very much appreciated. I never unsubscribed from the Fedora
list when distro hopping, for those very reasons.

I just wish that the package management wasn't so broken. I understand
that Fedora is an unstable, bleeding edge distro. But I need to work.
Having wireless, VMWare, and some other minor stuff suddenly stop
working is untolerable. That's too bad.

Be back around FC8 or so, unless I see that FC7 is much, much more
stable than the past two cores..

Dotan Cohen

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