Re: micro$haft wants your ass

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On Mon, 14 May 2007, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 15:18:43 -0700
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <wolfgang.rupprecht+gnus200705@xxxxxxxxx>

The good part is, this means that they decided they can't compete on technical
and/or price grounds and need to grasp at straws.  This will give
Linux lots of exposure with folks that normally would never have heard
of it.

Let's hope the courts are smart enough to see through all the obvious
ideas that people are able to sneak past the overworked patent office.


I agree there!!! But....what happens if micro$ does win, then what??? What is going to happen to linux as a whole?? Is everyone running servers going to hape to pay micro$??
Just wondering what would happen.


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