Re: Screen resolution

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On 13/05/07, D. Hugh Redelmeier <hugh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| From: Dotan Cohen <dotancohen@xxxxxxxxx>

| My Dell Inspiron E1505/6400 laptop has 1680x1050 display. However, I
| can't get anything higher than 1400x1050 out of Fedora. This is my
| xorg.cong:

| Section "Device"
|       Identifier  "Videocard0"
|       Driver      "vesa"
| EndSection

Guess: the VESA driver can only support resolutions listed in the
video BIOS.  Your video BIOS probably does not have the 1680x1050
resolution as one of its modes.  This would not limit a native driver
(except the intel one).

What is the video controller?  If Intel, google for "915resolution".
I only wish it were the Intel video controller. It's the ATI X1400. I
finally got the resolution I need, and Google Earth running, bu adding
these sections to xorg.cong:

Section "Module"
       load "GLcore"
       load "glx"
       load "dri"

Section "DRI"
       Group 0
       Mode 0666

Section "Extensions"
       Option "Composite" "Disable"  # this makes DRI work with fglrx

And by adding Modes  "1680x1050" to the Screen|Display section.

Dotan Cohen

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