udev won't rename eth1 in fc6

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I'm trying to persistently name a net card in fc6.


cat 10-network-interface.rules
KERNEL=="eth*", SYSFS{address}=="00:a0:24:54:28:cb", NAME="lan"

before modprobe:

ls /sys/class/net
eth0 lo ppp0 sit0

then I modprobe 3c59x, udevmonitor shows:

UEVENT[1178971722.841091] add@/module/3c59x
UEVENT[1178971722.849159] add@/bus/pci/drivers/3c59x
UEVENT[1178971722.884779] add@/class/net/eth1
UDEV [1178971723.163556] add@/class/net/lan


ls /sys/class/net
eth0 eth1 lo ppp0 sit0

so /class/net/lan is NOT created.

And why is eth1 created? I though the idea of NAME was that it named the true device node. SYMLINK was used when you wanted an extra name.
Thanks for any help.


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