Re: Side topic to: How to burn Fedora DVDs to avoid readahead bug?

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Andre Robatino skrev:
The problem I'm referring to is only with DVDs, since cdrecord continues to work perfectly well with CDs. The first Fedora DVD ISO I burned was just a few months ago, after FC6 came out. I did some tests burning DVDs in various ways and running the equivalent of mediacheck (/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5 from the anaconda-runtime package) but haven't done a DVD install yet. Of course it's possible to go back to burning half a dozen CDs as a last resort.
And as I understand, the DVDs can't be burnt at all, so no similarity 
there. (BTW, the CD image I tried is FC-6-x86_64-boot.iso for internet 
install, but the normal DVD gave the same result.)
You have probably tested this already, but when I tried cdrecord, I had 
to use -dev=ATA:1,0,0 to specify the drive. It's an IDE DVD-burner.

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