Re: problemas with mplayer update from atrpms

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Axel Thimm wrote:
On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 02:15:22PM -0300, Martin Marques wrote:
I'm having trouble upgrading mplayer from atrpms.

# yum update mplayer
^^^ This probably contained the most important information like which
repos are enabled/used :=)
core, updates, extras, livna and atrpms are enabled. But I'm using 
core = 2
extras = 2
updates = 1
livna = 99
atrpms = 99

Can that be the problem? some package from atrpms has to be updated, but it gets held back because another version in extras or core has higher priority?
These are parts of packages found in Fedora Extras or Core.
Exactly in which package are libvga and libjack?

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