Has anyone tried installing Anjuta (GUI IDE) lately?
I tried and got this error message:
Resolving Dependencies
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package anjuta.i386 1:2.0.2-11.fc6 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: libgvc.so.2 for package: anjuta
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Missing Dependency: libgvc.so.2 is needed by package anjuta
Has anyone else seen this?
The Fedora Extras broken deps detector doesn't find this, so this
problem must be specific to the non-standard repositories you have
Check your repositories for one which upgrades graphviz to an
incompatible version and takes away the libgvc.so.2 you need:
$ repoquery --whatprovides libgvc.so.2
I got the following output from this command:
repoquery --whatprovides libgvc.so.2
I removed graphviz and then was able to install Anjuta, so I no longer
have this problem, but also cannot diagnose what might have caused it.
Anyway, thanks for the pointer re repoquery.