On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Tony Crouch wrote:
Hi All,
I noticed of late my ssh & sftp connections have been timing out very
quickly. If I leave my machine (or do not use the ssh connection) for
even 10 minutes the connection will timeout and I will have to close the
window and re-connect.
I am unsure whether the problem exists with my local machine or my
university's servers (the machines to which I am remotely logging onto).
Was wondering if anyone could possibly shed some light on this or
provide some sort of explanation?
Not an explanation, but maybe a workaround. How about setting the
keepalive interval?
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=120 my.ssh.host
will send keepalive signals every 120 seconds if the connection is idle.
You can also include the option in ~/.ssh/config.
Thanks for your assistance.
Tony Crouch
Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu