Update on this: I downloaded audacity and randomly flipped options on that until I finally could see an input in the level meter and was able to record/playback some voice. I went back to skype (configured to use ALSA) and it works now. Even after a reboot. So this is down to sound settings. I cannot see any visible difference in the settings in Preferences -> Volume Control applet (gnome-volume-control) since it started to work. So I'm guessing there is a whole lot more to sound configuration that is covered in gnome-volume-control (?). However what I do have is an output from "amixer" from before and after if someone would be kind enough to look at those (there are differences). I tried the same "procedure" (download audacity and randomly flip options) on a freshly installed FC6 dist on a Dell Dimension C521 but this time it didn't work (I can't even get any input from mic). My observation: The gnome-volume-control is broken. It's either buggy/not complete/too complex/not documented property. I don't understand most of the options in the sound config tool -- nor would most people. Eg what does "InMux" mean?. It's should have test button (play a tone for outputs, level meter for inputs). Gnome help on this tool is (as always) useless. Joe. On 4/17/07, Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 03:02 +0100, Joe Desbonnet wrote: > Is there *any* easy way to verify that the mic is working and enabled > with FC6? Plug in mic, play with mixer volume controls, listen to speakers... --