I run FC2 and had an unusual even today. I had a regular login, and also had logged in on the CTRL-ALT-F1. Suddenly, the screen went to the login screen on the GUI display, and when I switched to the CTRL-ALT-F1 TTY, I found these messages: [drm: i830_wait_ring] *ERROR* space: 90016 wanted 131064 [drm: i830_wait_ring] *ERROR* lockup [drm: i830_wait_ring] *ERROR* space: 90008 wanted 131064 [drm: i830_wait_ring] *ERROR* lockup When I went back to the GUI screen, and logged in, everything seemed normal, except that all my apps had died, of course. I suspect an "out of RAM" type error. But I wonder what caused it. Googling turned up some info that makes it look like X is somewhat unstable. It's been running on this machine for a couple of years without a problem. Mike -- p="p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);} Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN. This message made from 100% recycled bits. You have found the bank of Larn. I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you. I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!