Christian Burger wrote:
Is anyone else having issues with alsa 1.0.14.rc1? I got bit by this update
and can't get any sound via alsa. Is there anyway to downgrade to the
1.0.13? My sound is integrated on a shuttle SN25P and it is a
ICE1724/Envy24 VIA chipset. I'm running FC6 on x86_64 platform if this is
Hi there,
Yes. I'm also having sound problems. I didn't suspect the alsa update to
have caused this.
Can you explain what is working and what isn't? Not that I'm able to
help you, I'm in the same shit.
At my FC6 box with ICH5 switching to ALSA in the sound-config, and
testing the sounds results in "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 !
audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not
Whatever that means...