Today David Fletcher did spake thusly:
There is an e-petition asking for ISPs to be forced to stop advertising broadband services as being unlimited, then placing a fair usage policy in the small print.
Not likely to happen, this is wider than ISPs, it's about the ASA and its allowing of AUPs on "unlimited" services, I know mobile phone operators do the same, "Unlimited" texts usually means about 3000 a month...
-- Scott van Looy - email:me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | - the in place for outcasts since 2003 PGP Fingerprint: 7180 5543 C6C4 747B 7E74 802C 7CF9 E526 44D9 D4A7 ------------------------------------------- |/// /// /// /// WIDE LOAD /// /// /// ///| ------------------------------------------- Delta: A real man lands where he wants to. -- David Letterman