I ran into the problem with the nfs mounts from kickstart too, and worked around it in a different way: %post echo "@reboot mount adminserver:/disk0 /mnt;/mnt/bin/ModifyFedora > /var/log/modifyfedora.log 2>&1" > /var/spool/cron/root So basically, all %post does is to set up a cronjob to run after reboot (or actually, after crond restarts), and the cronjob mount the nfs disk and runs the script that pulls in my local modifications for Fedora Advantage: not only nfs works properly, but also other services are available if needed (eg usernames from LDAP). But take care that the script removes or overwrites /var/spool/cron/root otherwise this script will be re-executed the next time crond starts and that is probably not what was intended David Jansen PS: the @reboot "cron magic" is probably not well know, but see 'man 5 crontab'