On 23/03/07, Anne Wilson wrote:
There is the problem, then. I can set the device, but it has a Directory setting of /mnt/cdrom. This doesn't exist, of course, and since audio disks are not mounted, there is no /media entry either. What do you have in that field?
In Audacious, Audio CDs are accessed via the device you enter. Menu > Playback > Play CD or Playlist > Add > Add CD The mount point can be used to for data cds which contain audio files. I think xmms used it to detect when the user wants to play an audio cd.
It's a gnome app, of course, and I'm using kde. It's just possible that this isn't properly working with kde. Pity, as aging eyes could use the help :-)
It uses GTK+ 2 aka GTK2, which doesn't turn it into a gnome app. ;)