On 3/18/07, J.Moore <listreader1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks, but I'm still stuck... here's the sequence of events. I d/l the rpm package you referenced, placed in my pwd (jamoore), ran the "rpm ..." command, and then tried another "yum update". It ended as before :(
Have you "cleaned out" yum? # yum clean all && yum update Have you tried rebuilding the rpm db? # rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* # rpm -vv --rebuilddb I've never had a problem rebuilding, but some have suggested making a backup of /var/lib/rpm before doing so - if you have the disk space it wouldn't hurt ;) Those are the first two steps I take when yum/rpm start acting wierd. Most of the dep problems I've had come from mixing repos, and can be solved by temporarly removing packages and adding them back later. Good luck! Chris