On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, Jake McHenry wrote:
I think that may be the problem, brain fart.. sorry.. I think i left SA running when trying to start mailscanner, I'll try it tonight after everyone leaves. That would definitly cause the memory errors I was seeing, if mailscanner was trying to start another instance of SA.
MailScanner doesnt 'start it' as such, it calls it directly, no need for a running binary, when you start MailScanner, if you quickyl repeately slap 'ps ax' you'll see one of the kids " checking with spamassassin " if it cant it would probably make noises then, or you would see a lot of <defunt>'s in your process listing.
-- Cheers Res "If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lay with with me and just forget the world?"