linuxmaillists@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I have duplicate entries in my logwatch in yum so I ran
rpm -qa and dumped the out put to a file then ran
sort -d on the file
reviewed the contents and see no duplicate files so what
would cause this in my logwatch?
(yumex) Updated: grepmail.noarch 5.3033-1.fc6
(yumex) Updated: grepmail.noarch 5.3033-1.fc6
(yumex) Installed: php-pear.noarch 1:1.4.9-4
(yumex) Installed: php-pear.noarch 1:1.4.9-4
(yumex) Installed: php-pear.noarch 1:1.4.9-4
and several others in duplicate and triplicate.
What can I do to find what is causing this?
Is it only using Yumex? If so that would indicate a Yumex logging bug.