phil prentice wrote:
For a number of reasons we are trying to build our own customised
dvd (based on Fedora) using the latest kernel (2.6.20). Currently we
are running with
Fedora 3. I know this is very old, and it is our intention to upgrade to a
newer release in the near future. Unfortunately, for various reasons we
being forced to run with Fedora 3 a little longer. For future reference we
would very much like the ability to personalize our own Fedora distro to
take account
for example of the ever changing hardware requirements and special
software requirements.
You are a candidate for pungi.
FC6 and F7 have pungi in extras. The pungi tools are new and are
dependant upon newer versions of supporting tools to roll a new distro.
So, you could set up a laptop or developer system with the latest F7 and
follow pungi. From that system you could roll a custom distro of FC6 or F7.
After manipulating your custom comps.xml and fixing yum references to
use local or remote fast repositories ( we put home grown packages in
our own repository, and mirror the major repositories) you simply run
pungi and a new distro is born!
Test, re-roll, test, etc.
I can usually make and test changes to a test server configuration in
about an hour.
Using pungi also gives you a fairly easy method of adding your own
custom kickstart files to your CD/DVD image.
Check it out!