On FC6 on a Dell laptop I have VMWare server installed, and it runs a Windows XP Home Edition VM. Although USB devices (printers, memory sticks) work fine in FC6, the VM cannot see them. When I look in Removable Media -> USB in VMWare, there is nothing there. I tried with my printer, my memory stick, and my Dell Axim x50v. lsusb does in fact show the devices. Note that all these devices work fine in VMWare on a neighboring Kubuntu desktop, with one caveat: a USB device is seen only after an additional USB device is connected, and only the first device shows. That means that if I want to use my USB printer, I must turn on the printer, then inset my memory stick. Only then does VM see the printer (and it still doesn't see the memory stick). So I know that VMWare has problems with USB, but at least it works on the kubuntu desktop. Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.com/what_is/ram.html http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/artist_albums/187/eve_s_plum.html