Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
I thought that udev and hal only dealt with removeable drives?
Udev deals with just about every device. All the entries in /dev are
created by udev. There is actually a file system mounted on top of
/dev that is managed by udev. If you look at /dev after booting form
a live CD, you will see only a few entries - just enough to get the
system started. How much HAL gets in the act depends on the HAL
rules. There is a udev rule that tells HAL about every device that
is added. It gets more complicated all the time!
# pass all events to the HAL daemon
I'm running a mix of PATA and SATA drives here. Just to add a little
simplicity, I don't run the HAL daemon on my systems, and I don't
automount anything (except /, /boot, and swap). All my disk partitions
are labeled, so I couldn't care less about device names. I usually
mount my data drives on directories in my home directory.
So far, no problems.