On Sunday 18 February 2007, Ric Moore wrote: >On Sun, 2007-02-18 at 13:08 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote: >> Hi; >> >> Trying to play a .wmv here, using kaffiene, video is great, no audio. >> In wandering around in the kaffiene menu's, I cannot find a place >> where one can assign an audio output path arbitrarily, it has 'auto' >> and blank for the options. >> >> I am also getting a 'can't bind info socket' from the dvb client. >> Render engine in use is kaffiene-xine, and apparently cannot be >> changed because of the above error. >> >> Does this tickle anyones memory? > >God yes, Gene. This one is a certified bitch. A cast iron one at that. Very fragile. >From what I have been able >to do, which has had me hopping for well over a month, is to remove all >ffmpeg, gstreamer-ffmpeg livna rpms and the libavcodecs. Then I went to >freshrpms manually dnloading the ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.8.20070109.fc6.i386.rpm >and the devel and libpostproc rpms too. The separate libavcodec rpm >conflicts with either the devel or libpostproc, I ferget. I also removed >all xine rpms and re-installed the 1.1.4-1 series from Freshrpms. THEN >I got sound back. Finally. I finally did get it to play, including all the major news networks videos (major if you don't count abc, I didn't test them yet) by ripping out using the --nodeps, almost everything from livna. Then I installed about half that many rpms from dries and atrpms and so far, everything is working (again, I had it working 2 weeks ago, but yumex probably got to dancing too hard and kicked over the milk bucket. >Bill Gates is laughing his ass off at us. Audio/Video is a deal breaker >for most folks. Yes it is. And while I can sympathize with the distro's and their attempts to dodge the bullet of proprietary file formats, it does seem to me there should be a web page maintained someplace that tells us precisely what we have to, and who we mail the check to, to actually make this crap Just Work(TM). >Even after all of that, while your sound will now play just fine, there >is some sort of compile error noted in xine about dropped frame rate >being too high. vlc works just fine though. I just tried to install >kaffiene on my machine just to test, but it conflicts with other >installs... both kaffiene and kaffiene-devel rpms do. Go figure. It >seems with all the different treatments among the repos that video and >sound have a ways to go with Linux. Bill sleeps well at night while ole >Ric is up until 4AM. Thanks to Claude, I finally got a handle on it. Now >I'm putting xine and ffmpeg on the exclude list in yum so it isn't >broken again. xine is still here, but I think I killed a codec it needed as some of the input options have disappeared. Kino, another app I can't live without, is also untested just yet. When I feel better. Its been an interesting week as Confucius would have said. My brother-in-law asked me for a ride to the ER tuesday morning as he wasn't feeling so chipper, and he talked to me all the way to the door of the ER, open the door on his side and slumped forward. I don't think he ever was conscious again, and despite a shot of TPA, they gave up about 3 hours later and made the pronouncement official. Then I came down with what I thought was a strept throat Wed. afternoon & bummed around thursday, finally getting up enough go juice to visit my sawbones friday & get a prescrip for some erytab-333's. He gave it to me but said he thought it was a virus, and I'm thinking he was right now as its degenerated into the worst cold & sore throat I've had 5 or 6 years. So the missus is down at the funeral parlor doing the grieving sister act right now. We had to wait a bit on the weather so everyone could get here, with some driving down from western New York, and some flying up from Orlando FL. Burial tomorrow at 1-ish. >If anyone has a clue about the dropped frame-rate which shouldn't be >happening on an AMD Athlon 3200+ running 32bit, an nVidia graphic card >with 128 megs of memory and 2 gigs of main ram, I'd like to know. I'm >sure Gates would rather I didn't find out, nor anyone else. I have the same situation here with an ATI card, a 9200SE, drm isn't working at all. I haven't tried to install the flgxl(sp) stuffs though, as I'm not a 'gamer' & wouldn't have the reflexes left at my age anyway, but ti would be nice if there weren't so darned many pauses & dropped frames in a new story. >Rahul, I know you're out there, please put this on your list of things >to ponder with all of the repos. There's no faster way to sink this ship >than to torpedo it with all of the assorted and various treatments and >versions with regards to audio/video among the repos. Kudos to Freshrpms >for delivering the real deal and appropriate versions ...that almost >works perfectly. Ric Allow my now weakened voice to be part of the murmuring crowd that hopefully becomes such an uproar that it cannot be ignored. By Fedora 7, I would hope there is a link to a site that does tell us all how to set that up, and then, when issuing updates, please assume we have ALL done that, and that we do NOT have a virgin system. Issuing an update that doesn't take this into consideration, and 'innocently' breaks the whole system again is the equ of pissing in our cheerios. Which appears to have been the case sometime in the last 2 weeks or so. ATM I have NDI what yumex installed 'update' broke it all again. I'd point fingers if I could. -- Cheers, Gene "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) Yahoo.com and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above message by Gene Heskett are: Copyright 2007 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.