oldman wrote: [snip]
loader so that I can boot to Windows XP. You see I had a problem where I deleted my linux partitions and turned them into NTFS using Partition Magic and now I get a grub command line when I boot and I don't know how to get to Windows. That is why I was asking about a minimal installation so that I could just get the boot so that I could boot to Windows.
Why didn't you say so? Why do so many people state means instead of goals?
Your best recourse here is to use the M$ install disk to rewrite your MBR. Depending upon which DOS you're using, I believe the command is:
I concur.
fixboot for Win2k, XP
I can verify that this works for XP.
and fdisk /mbr for the other versions
Even MSDOS... Mike -- p="p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);} Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN. This message made from 100% recycled bits. You have found the bank of Larn. I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you. I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!