Paul Smith wrote:
Thanks, Mark, for your very detailed answer. The solution "print to PS
and use ps2pdf" only works partially in the case of Impress, as the
pdf output will be A4 format, which is not the same format that one
gets when ExportAsPdf (smaller than A4, apparently).
Happy to help.
Depending upon what you need to do, you might want to review 'man gs'
for more information.
You may need to construct a variation of the ps2pdf command line, for
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=<ISOPaperSize> ... PSFileName.ps
where you can replace <ISOPaperSize> with what you require and where the
ellipses represent other needed options such as
You might have to play around with it a bit to get what you need.
Also, note that some GS defaults are set based upon your locale, so you
may have to evaluate additional options to override defaults.
Marc Schwartz