On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 21:13:16 +0800, edwardspl wrote: > If you are using pine tools with FC6... > Would you mind to tell which version of it and where can we download ? Please turn off the abominable html webgibberish when posting! Here's one way : You should have an application on your Main Menu called Add/Remove Software. To check, do one of the following: right-click it, then click on Add Launcher to Panel. Then right click the new launcher, and click Properties. It will have a line stating the command it uses, which should be /usr/bin/pirut. If so, close the properties, and click the launcher. Let it check till the three tabs at the top of the window are un-grayed-out, and the bar graph is gone. Then click the List tab. Look under pine -- it shouold be called something like pine-4.64-4.lvn6 -- and tell pirut to add it. If you don't have pirut in your main menu, look in /usr/bin to see if it's there. If not, command (as root) "yum install pirut" When it completes, proceed as above. If you get pirut and the List tab does not contain pine, command as root "nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-extras.repo" -- then look to be sure nothing is commented out (with # at the left margin) Delete the # if necessary. Hit Ctrl-X to close your editor (nano), and follow its prompts. Then close and re-open pirut. It will take a while to check software. When it finishes, look on the List tab again. Pine should now be there, again called something like pine-4.64-4.lvn6 Click on it to checkmark it, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Pirut window, and follow the prompts. -- Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert Fedora Core 6; CXO 5.0.1; Pine 4.64, Pan 0.119; Privoxy 3.0.3; Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2.0.3, Epiphany 2.16, Opera 9.02, Firefox 1.5 Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.