On February 3, 2007, edwardspl@xxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > How to mount the CD-Disk under FC6 ? > It mounts itself. You don't list the cd/dvd/floppy devices in fstab since abut fedora4. It happens automatically. They will be mounted under /media. Put in the cd, then a message will appear on the screen asking whether you want to see the contents in konqueror. Just say yes and konqueror will open to a new tab with the contents displayed. If you have enabled the display of icons on the desktop, a device icon will appear on the desktop. You can also click this to mount, unmount and eject. Alternately, you can right-click the icon and the context menu will show these and other commands. A further approach is to put the storage media applet into the panel (kicker) and then you will have it always available. Yet another way is to look at the konqueror navigation panel and the 2 icons at the bottom, a flag and also picture of a computer system... they both have links to storage media. Finally, when all else fails: mkdir /mnt/tmp and then mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/tmp. Roughly like that, depending on your system. If it is a udf cd, then the type is udf, i think. For a dvd, I think it's still iso9660. Hope this helps. -- Peter Gückel ==================== www3.telus.net/pg56cgy GnuPG/PGP Key: 0x1C204BED
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