Harpreet Dhaliwal wrote:
I've been asked to check permissions on system directories and files
using the follwoing command:
# find / -perm -002 -type f -print
output of this command is as follows:
I don't know how in the world this kind of output would tell me the
I really did not understand it.
Can someone help me out with this problem.
thanks in advance,
If I read the man page for "find" correctly, what this command does is
to start at the root of your file system "/" and look for files "-type
f" that have the permissions set for the world to be able to write to
them "mode 002", and then prints the file name "-print" to standard
out (your screen).
"man is your friend".
ls -al will tell you about all the permissions in a more explicit way.
Perhaps if you provide the context in which it was suggested that you
use this command, someone can help you interpret the results?