I'm not sure I'd say I'm as "devoted" to it, as dependent on it being
present to send data out for a legacy email reminder system that's
triggered via a cron job each day. I could probably rewrite everything to
use crons, or probably cobble together some perl scripts to parse the
calendar data file manually, but was hoping to find out why a standard unix
command has been dropped.
I did find (via a google search of rpm and calendar-8.4-3) an older version
(from 1997) in a path similar to
mirrors/ftp.redhat.com/contrib/libc5/i386/. However when I try to install
it via rpm I get the following:
root# rpm -Uvh calendar-8.4-3.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libc.so.5 is needed by calendar-8.4-3.i386
Any ideas, as from my googling about this error, it looks like it's just a
very old package (libc.so.5) that's not supported any more?
Ah, a fellow devotee of "calendar" .... Glad to know I'm not alone!
I also like this program and was dismayed when it disappeared from
the Red Hat / Fedora Core distributions -- I'm not sure, but it may
have been gone as early as Red Hat 9. And's not as if Googling for
"calendar" is much use, either. ("/usr/bin/calendar" as a search
term is somewhat more useful, in my experience, but still not a
sure thing.)
I was able to install it on an FC4 system from an RPM for package
calendar-8.4.3. I seem to remember that I found the RPM in some
non-standard place, but I don't remember details, and I'm not
finding it right away with calendar-8.4.3 as a search term either.
If no on else suggests anything useful, I'll search further. I'm
planning to "upgrade" that FC4 system in the near future, so I'll
need to know too.
-- blm