has anyone else experienced the elfutils update issue in FC6 recently? when i try to do yum update i am getting this error: Error: elfutils-libelf conflicts with elfutils-libelf-devel > 0.123-1.fc6 Error: elfutils-libelf conflicts with elfutils > 0.123-1.fc6 Error: elfutils-libs conflicts with elfutils > 0.123-1.fc6 i ran rpm -q elfutils-libelf and it turns out i have two versions of this package installed: elfutils-libelf-0.123-1.fc6 elfutils-libelf-0.125-1.fc6 but only one package of elfutils: elfutils-0.123-1.fc6 but this is odd: rpm -q --whatrequires elfutils-libelf elfutils-libs-0.123-1.fc6 elfutils-0.123-1.fc6 elfutils-libelf-devel-0.123-1.fc6 elfutils-libs-0.125-1.fc6 why are both .123 and .125 showing up? any suggestions/advice? thanks all. jack