On 1/20/07, Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 22:29 -0600, Jonathan Berry wrote: > I was typing an email a minute ago and used the word "gauge" in it. > After debating with myself on the spelling, I looked it up: > http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=gauge > Typing that in, Evolution did not like it! This was just too bizarre > not to share :-). So, should I file a bug somewhere? Where? What > does the spellchecking for Evolution? Does anyone else see this? > $ rpm -qa evolution > evolution- Hmm, you're lucky to have your language somewhat supported. Ours isn't, at all, so I've killed the spell checking. However, for a change,
You could possibly create your own dictionary or do something like that. I know you at least have the option to add words when you right-click on one it thinks is misspelled. [snip]
<http://www.mail-archive.com/evolution-list@xxxxxxxxx/msg05180.html> Suggests that aspell is used with it, as well.
This seems to be accurate. I have three English dictionaries listed: America, British, and Canadian. These are also the ones provided in the aspell-en package. More conclusively, running aspell on a text file with "gauge" in it, aspell doesn't know the word. So, looks like this is a deficiency in aspell's dictionary. Interestingly, checking this same file with LANG=en_BR, aspell does not complain. So "gauge" appears to be in the British dictionary, just not the American. After some more poking around dictionary.com, it looks like "gage" is a possible alternate spelling, though it has its own, quite different, meaning as well. Oh the joys of the English language :-). Perhaps it is assumed that "gage" is the preferred American spelling. I don't know. I think I've mostly always seen it as "gauge," but.... Maybe I'll just add it to my dictionary and be done with it. Or does someone else think this is bug-worthy? Jonathan