Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone here have a PS3? If you do, have you transcoded video files
to a format that the PS3 will play back?
I'm guessing ffmpeg is the best tool for the job. My hang up so far is
that I don't know what options to use.
Eventually I want to install a Linux distro on the thing. That should
be fun.
Any tips would be appreciated (for the transcoding).
I have Yellow Dog on my PS3, but haven't done much but benchmark testing
so far. I am looking at pungi + kernel 2.6.20 release and rolling it up
with FC6 before I get too deep into Linux on it.
Benchmarks for general purpose CPU based applications are outstanding.
Mine is a model 60, and the disk drive is slow, which skews compile time
tests a bit. But overall it compares on benchmarks quite favorably with
a AMD64 X2 4200+ system. With a faster disk drive, it will beat it handily.
The kernel sees two CPUs and 6 'cores' in Linux. Using dual CPUs is
brainless, but I have no idea how to use the 'cores'.
The main drawback for the foreseeable future is video performance in
Linux on the PS3. Only a generic frame buffer is available, and my 24"
Dell LCD monitor (1920x1200) looks 'fuzzy' at 1080i in Yellow Dog.
The new 'official' PS3 component cables are out, and I will get one to
see if it will do 1080p on my monitor. I am currently using a PS2
component cable and my monitor goes blank at 1080p with that one. 1080i
looks ok in games.
Good luck, and have fun!