Hi folks. I had a FC4 system running exim, clamd.exim and spamassassin. A over christmas/new year the server started hanging. I took the opportunity to move email to a separate server and built a new FC5 system just for email. I'm still using exim, clamd.exim and spamassassin, having installed everything from rpms, and copied over the exim.conf and local.cf from the old server. It's still dieing on a regular basis. Looking at top, spamd processes seem to be hogging the machine, with clamd.exim processes coming a not very close second. Both real and virtual memory look fine, but CPU usage goes to around 99.7% I've not changed exim.conf in months, and haven't changed local.cf in a while. I've included it below. All other files have not ben touched and as of the rpms. (The auto_whitelist and auto_learn arn't working either, complainin about file permissions, but I don't think they're affecting performance - I could be wrong) # These values can be overridden by editing ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs.cf # (see spamassassin(1) for details) # These should be safe assumptions and allow for simple visual sifting # without risking lost emails. version_tag rgw_2.1.28 required_score 12 report_safe 1 rewrite_header Subject [SPAM] whitelist_from *@ford.com unspam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx trusted_networks 127. trusted_networks 10. lock_method flock auto_whitelist_path /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist auto_whitelist_file_mode 0666 auto_whitelist_factor 0.5 bayes_path /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes bayes_file_mode 0666 bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 1 bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 9.0 #use_dcc 0 #use_razor2 0 #score RAZOR2_CHECK 0 #score DCC_CHECK 0 #score PYZOR_CHECK 0 ok_locales en # rescore standard tests score EXCUSE_3 1 score FORGED_OUTLOOK_TAGS 2 score DRUGS_ERECTILE_OBFU 2.5 score HTML_OBFUSCATE_05_10 2.0 score NIGERIAN_BODY2 2 score DRUGS_ERECTILE 2.5 score MISS_SPELLED_DRUGS 6 # local tests header __YG_STEAM Envelope-to =~ /steam\@stainburn.com/ header __YG_LISTID List-Id =~/yahoogroups.com/ meta YAHOOGROUP (( __YG_STEAM + __YG_LISTID ) > 1) describe YAHOOGROUP A subscribed Yahoo Group score YAHOOGROUP -100 header PHARM Subject =~ /ph*arm*ac*y/i describe PHARM Subject contains pharmacy score PHARM 3 header NEWAC Subject =~ /new account/i describe NEWAC Email looks to be a Phish score NEWAC 2 header STOX Subject =~ /(STOX|bad debt|got debt)/i describe STOX Subject contains the bad keywords score STOX 7 header GOOD_TLD From=~/\.(com|co\.uk|org|org\.uk)[>, ]/ describe GOOD_TLD TLD is a good one score GOOD_TLD 0 header BAD_TLD From=~/\.(tv|br|ru|ch|biz|info)[>, ]/ describe BAD_TLD TLD not is a good one score BAD_TLD 2 header LAKESIDE Subject =~ /lakeside cafe/i describe LAKESIDE Email is from the Lakeside Cafe Thread score LAKESIDE 9 header BADFROM From=~/(michaelmoffet|emailfactory|247.info)/ describe BADFROM From contains a known SPAMMER score BADFROM 5 header STEVECUMMINGS To=~/steve.cummings/i describe STEVECUMMINGS One of the targets is Steve Cummings score STEVECUMMINGS 15 body __LOTTERY_1 /\blottery\b/i body __LOTTERY_2 /\bticket\b/i body __LOTTERY_3 /\bdraw\b/i body __LOTTERY_4 /\bprize\b/i body __LOTTERY_5 /\bemail (address|id)\b/i body __LOTTERY_6 /\bballot\b/i body __LOTTERY_7 /\bwinning\b/i body __LOTTERY_8 /\bnotification\b/i meta MYLOTTERY ((__LOTTERY_1 +__LOTTERY_2 +__LOTTERY_3 +__LOTTERY_4 +__LOTTERY_5 +__LOTTERY_6 +__LOTTERY_7 +__LOTTERY_8 ) > 4) describe MYLOTTERY A possible Lottery scam score MYLOTTERY 6 header MEDICA Subject =~ /medica/i describe MEDICA Subject contains medical reference score MEDICA 2 header __TRADEMAIL_FROM From =~/TradeMail/ header __TRADEMAIL_TO To =~/TradeMail/ describe TRADEMAIL SPAM email about available used cars score TRADEMAIL 10 # # Cheap software # full __BODY_PHOTOSHOP /\bphotoshop\b/i # full __BODY_WINDOWS /\bwindows\b/i # full __BODY_OFFICE /\b(microsoft|ms) office\b/i # full __BODY_XP /\bXP\b/i # full __BODY_OFFICE /\boffice\b/i # full __BODY_OEM /\boem\b/i # full __BODY_CHEAP /\bcheap\b/i # full __BODY_OFFER /\boffer\b/ # full __BODY_DOWNLOAD /\bdownload\b/ # full __BODY_SOFT /\bs[0o]ftware\b/ # full __BODY_LOW_PRICE /\blow\s*(cost|price)\b/i # full __BODY_VEND1 /\bmicrosoft\b/i # full __BODY_VEND2 /\bnorton\b/i # full __BODY_VEND3 /\bcorel\b/i # full __BODY_VEND4 /\badobe\b/i # full __BODY_VEND5 /\bmacromedia\b/i # full __BODY_VEND6 /\bMS\b/i # meta SOFTWARE_OFFER ((__BODY_VEND1+__BODY_VEND2+__BODY_VEND3+__BODY_VEND4+__BODY_VEND5+__BODY_VEND6+__BODY_LOW_PRICE+__BODY_OEM +__BODY_CHEAP + __BODY_PHOTOSHOP + __BODY_WINDOWS +__BODY_OFFICE + __BODY_XP + __BODY_OFFICE +__BODY_SOFT+ __BODY_DOWNLOAD +__BODY_OFFER) > 4) # describe SOFTWARE_OFFER email contains offer of cheap software # score SOFTWARE_OFFER 12 # # bogus ebay header __EBAY_FROM From:addr=~/ebay.co/ header __EBAY_REC Received=~/ebay.co/ meta BOGUS_EBAY (__EBAY_FROM && !__EBAY_REC) describe BOGUS_EBAY Bogus eBay message - Not from their server score BOGUS_EBAY 8.0 # bogus paypal header __PAYPAL_FROM From=~/\@paypal.com[> ]*$/ header __PAYPAL_REC Received=~/paypal.com/ meta BOGUS_PAYPAL (__PAYPAL_FROM && !__PAYPAL_REC) describe BOGUS_PAYPAL Bogus Paypal message - Not from their server score BOGUS_PAYPAL 8.0 # bugus investment body __INVEST_BODY /investment/i header __INVEST_HEAD Subject =~ /invest/i meta __INVEST (__INVEST_BODY || __INVEST_HEAD ) body __OPORT_BODY /oportunity/i header __OPORT_HEAD Subject =~ /oportunity/i meta __OPORT (__OPORT_BODY || __OPORT_HEAD) meta INVESTMENT (__OPORT && __INVEST) describe INVESTMENT Possible investment invitation score INVESTMENT 8 header __STOCK_HEAD Subject =~ /\bhot\b.*\bst[0o]ck\b/i body __STOCK_BODY /\bhot\b.*\bstock\b/i meta __STOCK ( __STOCK_BODY || __STOCK_HEAD) body __SYMBOL /S{1,2}(my|ym)b{1,2}o{1,2}l{1,2}:/i body __PRICE /P{1,2}r{1,2}i{1,2}c{1,2}e{1,2}:/i meta __STOCK_QUOTE (__SYMBOL && __PRICE) meta INVESTMENT_2 (__STOCK || __STOCK_QUOTE) describe INVESTMENT_2 reference to stock exchange symbol and price score INVESTMENT_2 12 # if listed on >2 RBLs, less likely to be false, so increase score meta MULTI_BL_LISTS ((URIBL_WS_SURBL+URIBL_JP_SURBL +URIBL_AB_SURBL+URIBL_WS_SURBL+RCVD_IN_XBL+RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET+RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL+DNS_FROM_RFC_POST+DNS_FROM_RFC_ABUSE+RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL+RCVD_IN_DSBL) > 1) describe MULTI_BL_LISTS increase the score if in multiple RBL score MULTI_BL_LISTS 5 # if erectile drugs and *instant* or enhance body __DRUGS_ENHANCE /(enhance|improve|longer|harder|stamina)/ meta DRUGS_BETTER (DRUGS_ERECTILE && __DRUGS_ENHANCE) describe DRUGS_BETTER Contains reference to improved performance score DRUGS_BETTER 7.0 # # miss-spelled drugs # full MISS_SPELLED_DRUGS /(probecia|v.{1,5}gra|paxpl|v.lium|ci.lis|Letitra| sema|merixia|xasax|ambiei)/i # describe MISS_SPELLED_DRUGS Contained obfusticated drugs (spelling wrong) # score MISS_SPELLED_DRUGS 10.0 # #Ttip Ttop etc body TIP_TOP /t{1,2}i{1,2}p{1,2} {1,2}t{1,2}o{1,2}p{1,2} {1,2}e{1,2}q{1,2}u{1,2}i{1,2}t{1,2}i{1,2}t{1,2}i{1,2}e{1,2}s{1,2}/i describe TIP_TOP SPAM stock broker emails score TIP_TOP 5.0 #PHAR*MACY header PHARMACY subject=~ /re: pha.{1,5}macy/i describe PHARMACY Obfusticated pharmacy subject. score PHARMACY 12.0 header __WROTE_SUBJECT Subject =~ /\b\w+\b wrote:/i body __WROTE_STOCK /Stock:/i body __WROTE_SYM /Sym:/i body __WROTE_PRICE /Price:/i body __WROTE_SHORT /Short Term Target:/i body __WROTE_LONG /Long Term Target:/i body __WROTE_COMPANY /Company:/i meta SOMEONE_WROTE ((__WROTE_PRICE+__WROTE_STOCK+__WROTE_SYM+__WROTE_SHORT+__WROTE_LONG+__WROTE_SUBJECT) > 3) describe SOMEONE_WROTE A Stock dealing SPAM score SOMEONE_WROTE 12.0 header EQSE Subject =~ /EQSE/ describe EQSE EQSE stock quote score EQSE 12.0 header FAKE_PILLS Subject =~ /(fake|enhancement) pills/i describe FAKE_PILLS Selling (non)Fake enlargement pills score FAKE_PILLS 12.0 body __GROW_JOHNSON /(pen[i1]s|johnson|sausage|member|weenie|woody|muscle)/ body __GROW_LARGER /(enlarge|larger|bigger|growth|longer|boost)/ META GROW_PILLS ((__GROW_JOHNSON+__GROW_LARGER) > 1) describe GROW_PILLS Offers pills to improve mens physique score GROW_PILLS 5.0 body __PRICE_VIAGRA /\bv[\w\d_]*ra\b \$ \d, \d\d/i body __PRICE_VALIUM /\bv[\w\d_]*um\b \$ \d, \d\d/i body __PRICE_CIALLIS /\bc[\w\d_]*is\b \$ \d, \d\d/i body __PRICE_AMBIEN /\ba[\w\d_]*en\b \$ \d, \d\d/i body __PRICE_XANNAX /\bx[\w\d_]*ax\b \$ \d, \d\d/i META DRUGS_PRICE ((__PRICE_VIAGRA+__PRICE_VALIUM+__PRICE_CIALLIS+__PRICE_AMBIEN+__PRICE_XANNAX) > 3) describe DRUGS_PRICE Drugs offered with prices score DRUGS_PRICE 12.0 header WINDOWS_VISTA Subject =~ /^Windows Vista.*download/ describe WINDOWS_VISTA Offer of cheap copy of MS Windows Vista score WINDOWS_VISTA 12.0 header __RE_RE Subject=~/\bre:\b *$/i body __RE_BLANK /Content-Type: text\/plain \nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit *\n *\n-----/ META BLANK_EMAIL ((__RE_RE+__RE_BLANK) > 1) describe BLANK_EMAIL Email contains (almost) blank subject and blank plain text score BLANK_EMAIL 8.0 -- Gary Stainburn This email does not contain private or confidential material as it may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000