Is work still being done on sensors? I ask because I've had little success on motherboards bought over the last few of years. One box has an ASRock K7VT2, which is generally considered to be a rubbishy old mobo, but the sensors work well. I used to have sensors working on an old Asus mobo, but the next Asus one I bought could not be made to talk to the software. Then I bought an Abit KV8Pro - on this box currently - and again I have poor results. On all those boards I could get cpu, disk and ethernet throughput, but I could not get either temperatures or fan speeds. On this one, temp 1 registers as -1.0C and temp2 as 0.0C. On the second Asus both registered as 0.0C. I know I have had to edit sensors.conf in the past to tune temperatures, but at least there was documented requirements for the Asus motherboards. I haven't found anything at all useful about sensors and the Abit boards. Any ideas? Anne
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