I have a strange thing going on. On an installation, running evolution,
one of the users receives everything,that a certain client sends him in
annex, as a mail.dat file. When this user forwards this email to me, I get
the annex as it should be. Those annexes can be .pdf or .zip or .txt.
So, in other words,
if this user receives an email from client-X, containing an annex, p.e.
pricelist.zip, this annex will be renamed mail.zip.
The user forwards this email to me and I receive this email, with an annex
named pricelist.zip.
I reforward this email to this user, and the user receives this email,
with an annex named pricelist.zip.
If this email,coming from client-X, is received by another user, on the
network, everything is normal, i.a.w. pricelist.zip will not be renamed.
Thanks for your help
Roland Brouwers