Re: qwerty layout shortcuts - drifting away from original topic

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On 29/12/06, Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> typing.  There's too much gross hand movement - you cannot do it fast.
Ed Greshko:
> You can't, I can.

I would challenge anybody to prove that they can move their whole
forearms, wrists and hands, into a new position, quicker than moving a
couple of fingers.  It's a physical impossibility.  And I don't just
mean humanly physically impossibly, I mean physics.  Large objects
versus small objects with inertia to work against.

As much as I didn't want this branch of the discussion to occur, I
must make a single comment to it. Regarding the physics you mention:
you say that a large (presumably massive) object cannot be accelerated
quicker than a smaller object. That is true given a consistant force
applied against them. However, if the force being applied to the
larger object is larger than f*M/m than it will in fact accelerate
quicker. In that respect, I dare suggest that the arm muscles (vs. the
finger musles and respective masses) meet this requirement. Maybe an
anatomy specialist could correct me?

Likewise, for hunt and peck.  Individual abilities aside, you're never
going to see a two-fingered typist, hunt and peck or otherwise, beat a
touch typist using all 10 fingers at 100 wpm.  It's another physical

Unless they've got a T9 dictionary and only ten keys! I once dated a
girl who out-typed me on her Nokia mobile phone vs. me on my A4
wireless keyboard.

As to topic drift, that's why we have threading and subject lines.  I've
changed the subject line, but don't have a client that lets me break the
references headers (it's been a while since I've seen one that lets you
manually do such things).  And only those desiring to participate
actually do so...

That's allright for me, Gmail breaks threads on subject. Most of the
time it's a pain (and there's no manual override) but for once it
works to my benefit.

Dotan Cohen

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