When I plug in any USB device (USB thumb drive, external hard drive, etc), everything freezes up: mouse and keyboard are totally unresponsive. I did not have this problem on a previous install of FC6 on the same computer. Trick is, I cannot use the computer at all, because all my files are archived on my USB external hard drive. I have already loaded FC6 on my desktop before, had used the previous partitioning scheme from FC5 (preserving /home without formatting). Since I had added RAM in the meantime, I wanted to go and reinstall to make the SWAP space bigger. When I tried to use the computer again after reinstalling FC6, I ran into the USB freeze up problem. The computer is running on an old AMD processor. I searched through the list archives and listed bugs, but did not see any information that sounded right. One bug did have to do with USB, but that seemed to be a problem of the device not being recognized. Mine just locks up the computer.