On a yum update I am seeing Error: python-devel conflicts with python < 2.4.4-1.fc6 This is most likely due to the fact that rpm -q python shows python-2.4.3-18.fc6 python-2.4.4-1.fc6 I have temporarily bypassed the problem by doing: yum update --exclude=python-devel thus applying all updates except python-devel I realize that some appropriate invocation of "rpm -e" with appropriate options can get rid of the older python, however, I am temporarily hesitant to do this until the true problem is identified by someone familiar with the details of the python and python-devel packages. I note that a search of the archives for fedora-list shows several other people have reported this problem. It is often the case that they attribute it to some sort of accidental RPM database corruption. However, the fact that it has occurred several times, and always with python and python-devel leads to the suspicion that there is actually a flaw in either the python package or the rpm, yum, or yum-updatesd that has caused this problem. Another possibility is that the erase of the older python somehow failed, after installation of the new one due to some sort of interaction between the update process and the older python. I have therefore reported it to bugzilla as bug #218776, initially against fc6 component python, presuming initially that it may be due to some sort of packaging problem with python. However, it is also possible that it is a flaw in the rpm/yum/yum-updatesd updating system.