Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 01 December 2006 01:14, Rex Dieter wrote:
root@coyote ~]# mv ~/.config/menus ~/config/menus.BAK
mv: cannot move `/root/.config/menus' to `/root/config/menus.BAK': No such
file or directory
[root@coyote ~]# kbuildsycoca --noincremental
kbuildsycoca running...
And now my kmenu is even more emasculated, the whole admin thingy is gone
along with 99% of the entertainment stuff.
And where the heck is the manpage for kbuildsycoca?
none, you *should* never have any need to run it or even be aware of it.
It should "just work".
right clicking on the fedora sign, then left clicking on the menu editor
does nothing, absolutely zip, other than closing the properties box.
I think the Gods must hate me...
Whats the rpm command to verify the whole kde install?
# rpm -V redhat-menus qt kdelibs kdebase
for starters.
what does
-- Rex