Art Fore wrote:
I have used FreeNX before on Suse with no problem, but with FCi6, I
cannot get it to authenticate. I followed the instructions at
<>, but I still get
that the client closed session with signal 15 and unauthorized user nx.
Also on the client machine, (WinXP) I get Authenticating user nx, then
authentication failed. Why should it be trying to authenticate user nx
and not my user name? Searched config files for something, but found
I have nx working on an FC5 server, but I couldn't get it to work on a
different FC6 server. I can't figure out why. Has anyone made the freenx
server work on FC6?
Art, here are some tips:
1) In the past, I found I had to run "passwd -uf nx" to enable the nx
user. The rpm didn't do it properly for some reason.
2) Make sure the client enables SSL encryption.
3) The rpm didn't uninstall properly, which really messed things up. If
you try to uninstall it, use rpm -evvv to get a verbose output to see
which files are causing trouble.
- Mike