Over the last 5 times I noticed a strange thing while Fedora 5 boots. The moment it probes for *Sendmail*, its takes considerably longtime, nearly 4 to 5 mins. Then it says OK and goes to next probe *Sm-Client* which again takes about 2 mins. This never happened before. What must have changed here? I did not change any settings.
Also, I have some additional queries.
1] Can anyone tell me what is the Linux equivalent of CTRL+ALT+DEL which we use in Windows to terminate any program?
2]what would be Linux equivalent of MSCONFIG where it gives me options to disable unwanted programs for faster booting?
3] I have 80gb HDD with WinXP on first 40gb and rest for FC5. While installing FC5, I chose default settings, didn't fiddle with partition sizes to avoid messing up. But when I switched to KDE, I noticed my system became extremely lousy and slow. It took quite a longtime to do anything on it with mouse losing any control. I switched back to Gnome which is fine. Why does KDE slows down my system.
Any help appreciated
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