Jamie Bohr wrote:
auto.smb is a script not a regular auto mounter file. It kind of works
like the auto.net <http://auto.net> but for SMB services.
- Jamie
On 11/8/06, * A Yagi* <ayagi@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ayagi@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
The idea is mount the CIFS share as the user who tried to access it.
> > It would nice if it works more like NFS in that UIDs would
get mapped correctly.
You can achieve this by the method I suggested.
In /etc/auto.master, define the directory you want to mount your CIFS
share like:
/smb /etc/auto.winshare
In /etc/auto.winshare you have a line like:
winbox -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,user=zzzzz,pass=xxxxxx,workgroup=yyyy
When you do a ls /smb/winbox, the remote share gets mounted on /smb by
autofs. It works like nfs automount.