Hi, I just installed FC 6. It is an amazing system, everything runs very well, but I have the feeling that OpenOffice.org has something broken. I had a huge database (hsqldb) from a previous system. I have several tables linked to each other through foreign keys, forms with subforms, etc. This worked on the previous system without any problems. Now, if I open such a form with subforms (keys are set correctly) I can not use the subforms, for OpenOffice.org returns an error message: SQL-Status: 37000 Fehler-Code: -11 Unexpected token: : in statement [SELECT * FROM "Druckabrechnungen" WHERE ( "StudID" = :link_from_StudID )] I tested OpenOffice with Sun´s java package, with the java package of FC 6, but I always get this message. I also tested OpenOffice with a brand new test databes, having two simple tables linked to each other. I created the form with one subform (link are again set correctly), but the message appears again and again. Does anybody have an idea, what this is? Google is not quite informative, concerning this error message... Thanks, -- Tibor Attila Anca Kommissarischer Studieninspektor Evangelisch Theologisches Stift an der Universität, Hans Iwand Haus Humboldstr. 42 53115 Bonn Fon: +49.(0)228.73-2200 Fax: +49.(0)228.73-9788 eMail: studinsp-hih[at]gmx.de URL: http://www.hih.uni-bonn.de/