-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently install Fedora Core 6 on my desktop (Watson) I had intended to write up a review style report...but I got distracted and just enjoyed the whole installation process (I may have ADHD). So seeing as there only six (6) issues in my notes. I'll release them on to the list - a thread per issue. I apologize if anyone sees this as spam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FC6, Install Issues] Small problems Four smaller issues I noted 1) I have never used K3B to burn an audio CD (that I remember) yet K3B persists to be under the Audio section of Pirut during install. 2) The pre install message (just before the finaly button to start install) listed that I needed 6 CDs and if I did not have them, I may want to reboot now instead. However I was using a DVD to install. To someone who doesn't know..this woud be confusing 3) First boot seemed not to give me the change to choose a resolution (if I it did, I somehow missed it - which I found strange) and it chose a very poor resolution. Furthermore, using system-config-display, did _not_ set my resolution as promised. I had to use the console and vim to get the change done. 4) And finally. SSH root logins are still enabled by default, while DenyHosts isn't installed by default. I have noticed that enough bruteforce attempts at one time can server as a mini DOS attack. My Fedora + KDE is the shinnest it's ever been, and running very smootly so far. Compared to the 1.5 days it took me to install Windows on my laptop, FC6 on my desktop was a one night breeze. Thanks for the great distro. Arthur -- Fedora Core 6 and proud