Hi, I currently have a Gentoo server with the following disk layout: I have 3 identical hardisks doing software RAID. /boot is on md0, which is RAID1 spread across sda1, sdb1, and sdc1 swap is on md1, which is RAID5 spread across sda2, sdb2, and sdc2 / is on md2, which is RAID5 spread across sda3, sdb3, and sdc3 LVM vg0 is on md3, which is RAID5 spread across sda4, sdb4, and sdc4 vg0 has volumes for /usr, /var, /opt, /tmp, and /home I have installed grub on the MBRs of all 3 disks, so if 1 fails I should be able to boot off of one of the remaining drives. I would like to migrate this setup to Fedora FC5. Is there a HOWTO somewhere that would cover this? Will I be able to just boot off the install CD and reformat /boot and / and point to the LVM volumes and have things work? Any gotchas I need to look out for? Thanks Mike