Hi All, I have recently tried converting some pdf files to ps and have noticed a bizarre error in the ps version after conversion. The content (i.e. the writing) is an accurate conversion but the paper size and document layout is completely different. I have uploaded an example coversion at the following web address: PDF (this is how the ps should look) http://www-personal.une.edu.au/~acrouch2/ass5.pdf and the PS http://www-personal.une.edu.au/~acrouch2/ass5.ps Was wondering if someone might be able to let me know what I did wrong or whether its a pdf2ps command problem. Thanks heaps. All the best. Cheers, Tony Crouch -- GPG Key fingerprint = EEB2 6364 791C 3BE2 A008 22D0 C469 950C 7C5A EE77