Re: Postfix w/ SASL

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On Sat, 30 Sep 2006, Jim Douglas wrote:

Thanks for that, from the server output below it looks like SASL is ok, but I get this when I try and check ,
I enter,
sals2-sample-server -s rcmd -p 8000

..and I get,
trying 10, 1, 6
trying 2, 1, 6
bind: Address already in use
couldn't bind to any socket.

When I ran salsfinger and I think it looks ok, what do you think?
I do not remember enough about setting up SASL to comment accurately. Once
setup, it "just works" :-)

You might want to have a look at the docs here:

In addition the guys on the postfix list are real good at troubleshooting
sasl, provided you do your homework. By that I mean ask intelligent questions
and provide the information needed to allow them to help you.

Another real good source of documentation is "The book of postfix" by Hildebrandt and Koetter.
Yes, it costs money but it is worth it.

FWIW, P@trick Koetter routinely answers sasl questions.


Tom Diehl		tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx		Spamtrap address mtd123@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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