Re: FC5 remove languege pack FF extensions

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yonas Abraham wrote:
On 9/28/06, Sebastian Vahl <ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, den 28.09.2006, 16:18 -0400 schrieb yonas Abraham:
> I have like 100 language pack extention in my Firefox. The only way I
> know how to uninstall is to run FF under root and manualy uninstall
> from the Tools->extention window. I did it last time and when I update
> my system using yum, they show up again. which rpm file is responsible
> for this extentions?

It's firefox itself:

rpm -ql firefox | grep langpack
so this mean there is no way to opt-out the language pack in FC5 from
FF? I don't remember seeing this in FC4. is this new?
This is new to FC5 . The maintainer mentioned some issues with handling 
the language packs as optional. I dont remember the details now.

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