Re: kmod-nfts vs. kernel-module-ntfs

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Andrew D. Stadler wrote:
I recently updated my FC5 kernel to 2.6.17-1.2187 and decided to get 
the latest NTFS stuff to go with it.
I'm a bit confused because I see two different module names in use, 
seemingly all mixed together.
Here, <>, I am offered a 
download of the file:

But here, <>, I find


Finally, this page, <>, provides slightly different information as it says to use "kmod-ntfs" on FC5 and "kernel-module-ntfs" on FC4.

* Are these two different beasts, and if so what is the different? Or are they the same thing with two names, and why?

I tried it both ways: manual download/install as suggested by, and yum-install as suggested by pretty much everyone else. Both worked.
* Is one or the other method preferable / recommended?
I also vote for livna.

Further, I strongly recommend all my users to install the livna repository:

# rpm -ivh

And then limit yourself to core, updates, extras, and livna.

I keep a repo file for freshrpms, atrpms, jpackage, and others, but they are OFF by default. It is rare that I need anything that is not in the big 4. (jpackage for jedit)
The problem is, as is often discussed here, that those 4 repositories 
are using a common methodology for packaging, whereas the others may or 
may not for any given package.
That spells trouble for package versioning, and will likely confuse yum 
later on.
Its a bit of a political mess in the Fedora repositories, and I really 
do not mean to draw any blood here.  Apologies to maintainers that 
disagree with me.  No offense intended.  The 'other' repositories used 
to be way ahead of extras and livna, but those days have mostly passed.  
I happily acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all the 
maintainers, especially those who pioneered the way for us.

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