Re: lockd problem

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Tiziana Manfroni wrote:
I have a NFS server with kernel-2.6.13-1.1526_FC4smp on fedora4
Sometime I have an error such as:
Sep 25 12:32:39 x.x.x.x kernel: RPC: error 5 connecting to server x.x.x.x
Sep 25 12:32:39 x.x.x.x kernel: lockd: couldn't create RPC handle for x.x.x.x
every one minutes. What is the problem?
When I restart nfs I have the same message so I can't kill it.
Do you have any idea to resolve these problems?

Thanks in advance


Sounds like no lockd statd on the CLIENT machine.
If there are writes to the file system from the client then lockd and statd need to be running on the client. If the client is mounting the file system read only then you can ignore the errors.
On the client: (assumes a Linux client)
sudo chkconfig --list nfslock

should report:
nfslock         0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

if not:
sudo chkconfig --level 345 nfslock
sudo service nfslock start

Good luck!

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