chroot to oldlinux to run legacy app, with X

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Jack Byers     byersj@xxxxxxxxxxx

How to chroot to oldlinux to run legacy app, with X

Assume you have a legacy app available in an older linux,
which is dual booted with your new main linux.

in my case mainlinux is fc5,
oldlinux is rh8, mounted under /corni when booted in fc5

Since this is dual boot, i can of course
reboot into the oldlinux to run legacyapp
but that is awkward and inconvient

Instead chrooting into the oldlinux
allows you to run legacyapp while still booted up in fc5

What took me a long time, much googling, to find out
was how to also run X in that chroot

first do folowing two commands  from your mainlinux
[root@bootp byers]# mount --bind /tmp /corni/tmp
[root@bootp byers]# xhost local:localhost

I do all my work from xterms,
which is probably why that xhost cmd is needed

I tried various ways to use startx from a console in the chroot
but never succeeded.

The above 2 cmds are all that is needed for X to be avail
in the chroot

then do the chroot:

# /usr/sbin/chroot /corni
# cd home
# cd byers
#  su byers
$  /pathtolegacyapp

works just as it did when rh8 was my mainlinux

The oldlinux needn't even be bootable.

I think this will work chrooting from any linux to any other linux,
I have been told trouble will occur
if trying to chroot from a 64bit linux to a 32bit linux
I  dont yet have 64bit linux but will soon
Any advice when trying chroot 64bit ->32 bit?


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