Is their a way to not build the kernel-devel-2.5.16xxx.rpm and I just need the normal kernel-2.6.xxxx.rpm. I have been using rpmbuild -bb and editing the spec file so I don't get smp and xen, but not sure if there is something to stop making debug and devel. And could someone explain the patch order? There is like: patch-2.15.5.bz2 patch-2.6.16-rc4.bz2 patch-2.6.16-git4.bz2 patch-2.6.16-rc5-git6.bz2 I know rc is release candidate and would get applied to previous kernel. So patch-2.6.16.rc4 would be applied to linux-2.6.15 Just don't know about git and I can't seem to find info about it in FAQ. Or just point me a FAQ that I may have missed. Thanks!